The Truth Behind Biden’s Fake Smile

Biden’s presidential honeymoon has officially ended. Now, America sees his true colors… 

With the ongoing surge of the Delta variant and the crisis happening in Afghanistan… It’s getting clear that Biden doesn’t have what it takes to be the leader that our nation deserves. 

We’ve also seen how he handles our nation’s internal problems poorly:

His average approval rating is worse than ever. As time passes, he’s losing popularity among both parties. Several different polls have shown similar results:

  • For Real Clear Politics, it’s 49.6%
  • For 538, it’s 49.3%
  • For Reuters-Ipsos, it’s only 46%

The numbers speak for themselves. The latest data also showed that Biden’s drop in approval ratings is tied to the chaos happening in Afghanistan… and his somewhat slow response to it.

Biden’s portrayal in the media isn’t benefiting from the ongoing fourth spike of COVID-19 ravaging the country either.

Yes, polling averages take in lots of data, but they make it clear that Biden’s likeability is going on a downward trend…

We’ve also seen Biden’s embarrassing and cringe speeches in public. One of his most notable failures was the disaster he caused in the Town Hall.

Grabien Media Founder Tom Elliott pointed out that Biden was “crushing it” sarcastically… when he shared a clip of Biden stumbling through his response to vaccinating children.

Biden had a terrible answer, “The question is whether or not we should be in a position where you, um, are – why can’t the experts say, ‘We know that this virus is, in fact, um, it’s going to be,’ or excuse me, ‘We know why all the drugs approved are not temporarily approved, but permanently approved.’ That’s underway too, I expect that to occur quickly.”

This event was just a farce compared to previous successful town halls that have been held, only proving that Biden has no idea what he’s doing. 

People will soon realize that Biden is just a puppet for the dems. He’s being told what to say… and he can’t even do it right. 

That is more than enough reason for us Americans to lose respect for him.

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5 Thoughts to “The Truth Behind Biden’s Fake Smile”

  1. Pat


  2. Frances Weingarten

    Reading what Biden and also the American people all have to say, it seems to me that Joe Biden’s days will soon reach an end!
    I must say that as Pres, little if anything was done, and what was actually done was poorly done! One can only hope that Biden will very soon be replaced by someone that knows what America needs, how best to fulfill the needs of the American people and how to get the country back on course!

  3. Orangered

    Biden is a worthless senile old goat, he doesn’t have the ability to lead a horse to water let alone the country. He must be removed immediately before he destroys any more of America with his China/Taliban ways. He has never cared for this country or its citizens.

  4. Vince

    Those ‘Poll NUMBERS’ must be from ‘Die-Hard DEMS’ because everyone I know/see/talk with have ‘an EXTREMELY LOW REGARD’ for Biden and even LOWER for Harris.
    Maybe a poll in ‘Fly-Over Country’ from ‘everyday Americans’ would give you a better PICTURE!!!

  5. Donna Ray

    Every TIME Biden open’s his mouth another lie comes out.I am so sick of it.I Love Jesse Water’s.He was telling it as it was today.He has messed up everything in Our Country and Put’us last.Trump done everything in the world to help All American’s and I am hoping and Praying that God will put President Trump back in in 2022. I know Trump will have alot of fixing to-do but I Love him as our President.

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