Trump Pledges to Fight Against Alaskan Senator

Just a few weeks ago, President Trump explained exactly what he planned to do next…

Taking the fight to ineffective, corrupt Republicans in the 2022 midterm elections, getting rid of ineffective, chaotic underperformers.

Now, he’s named his first target – here’s why:

Since standing down, there’s been a lot of speculation about just what President Trump planned to do next.

From starting his own party to getting back into business, starting a news station, and more, there’s been a vast number of possibilities for Trump.

At the CPAC conference, however, Trump said exactly what was coming next – he’d be working round the clock to get rid of RINOs, the cowards who stopped Trump’s agenda and cost him a second term.

Of course, it’s hard to avoid mentioning the contrast with Obama… While Obama immediately went into media production, only jumping back into politics to stop Bernie Sanders from winning the dem nomination, Trump isn’t giving up on the hard work.

And now, he’s found the first person he’ll be fighting against in 2022 – Alaskan senator Lisa Murkowski.

Speaking last Saturday, Trump made it clear: “I do not know where other people will be next year, but I know where I will be — in Alaska campaigning against a disloyal and very bad Senator”.

President Trump’s comments about Murkowski come off the back of her recent vote for impeachment – she’s the only one of the Republican senators who voted to impeach Trump who’ll be standing for reelection next year. 

With Alaska’s voting set to be very different this year, with a new kind of primary voting, expect Trump’s candidate to be in the general midterm – but don’t be surprised to see Murkowski there as well.

Similarly, Trump’s talked about working to get rid of RINOs like Mitch McConnell, taking the fight all the way to the top of the Republican party, rather than just going against low-level party members.

How much of a difference will Trump make – and who will he actually be supporting? We’ll know far more in the near future, as more of Trump’s targets are revealed across the next few months.

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