Trump Slams Brooks for Convincing Him to Give Up on the RIGGED 2020 Elections

Mo Brooks / Gage Skidmore / Flickr / September 25, 2021 / CC BY-SA 2.0

President Trump continues to work on his advocacy of making America great again. Even if he doesn’t have the POTUS title anymore, he still acts like a real president compared to Biden.

Trump has shown more results during and after his term. We’ve seen our president:

  • Attain the greatest regulation cuts in history
  • Establish the Space Force
  • Get Anwar approved – which Ronald Reagan tried to do
  • Dedicate more effort in fixing our borders
  • Expose a RINO who obstructed forensic audits

There’s no way that President Trump lost the 2020 elections to Biden. Especially now, we’re seeing how terrible the current administration is

Trump Slams Woke Republican Leader for Convincing Him to Give Up on the 2020 Elections

President Trump withdrew his endorsement to Rep. Mo Brooks in Alabama’s Senate primary this March. He denounces Brooks as “woke” and disloyal… for doubting his claims about the 2020 presidential election.

Our president shared his thoughts in a statement. Trump mentioned that Brooks’ political career was at its peak… until a new campaign staff led him astray. 

He wrote, “When I endorsed Mo Brooks, he took a 44-point lead and was unstoppable. He then hired a new campaign staff who ‘brilliantly’ convinced him to ‘stop talking about the 2020 Election. He listened to them. Then, according to the polls, Mo’s 44-point lead evaporated all based on his ‘2020’ statement made at our massive rally in Cullman, Alabama.”

President Trump then officially announced the withdrawal of his endorsement of Brooks. He added, “Very sad but, since he decided to go in another direction, so have I, and I am hereby withdrawing my Endorsement of Mo Brooks for the Senate. I don’t think the great people of Alabama will disagree with me. Election Fraud must be captured and stopped, or we won’t have a country anymore. I will be making a new Endorsement in the near future!”

Trump Don’t Intend to Give Up on the RIGGED 2020 Elections

Brooks tried to convince Trump to forget how the liberals cheated on the 2020 elections. Trump said, “Mo Brooks of Alabama made a horrible mistake recently when he went ‘woke’ and stated, referring to the 2020 Presidential Election Scam, ‘Put that behind you, put that behind you,’ despite the fact that the election was rife with fraud and irregularities.”

Trump emphasized that we should never forget what happened in the 2020 elections because it will only encourage the liberals to continue playing dirty. He added, “If we forget, the Radical Left Democrats will continue to Cheat and Steal Elections. Just look at what is happening in Wisconsin, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and elsewhere, but tremendous progress has been made that will help us in 2022 and 2024. The 2020 Election was rigged, and we can’t let them get away with it.”

Our president held a rally last Sunday in Georgia. It featured Trump’s roster of endorsed candidates who will support his legacy.

President Trump proves that he has a will of an iron that will never bend to the liberals. This shows that he’s the leader who can really make America great again.

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