Ukraine Recaptures More than 6,000 Square Kilometers of Territory in the South and East

Ukraine has been working tirelessly to regain control of its territories from Russia. Despite the setbacks, they have recently made significant progress. It’s a complex and difficult responsibility, but it’s vital for the future of Ukraine.

This month, Ukraine regained some of its territory from Russia. Specifically in Eastern and Southern Ukraine. This marks a significant milestone for them.

Ukraine Recaptured Over 6,000 Square Kilometers of Territory

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy says his troops have reclaimed roughly 6,000 square kilometers (2,300 sq miles) of occupied territory… since the beginning of September. Ukrainian civilians and soldiers celebrated as they raised their flags on buildings. Moreover, their military counter-offensive in the northeast was a success.

Zelensky said in his nightly address, “From the beginning of September until today, our soldiers have already liberated more than 6,000 square kilometers of the territory of Ukraine… [specifically] in the east and in the south. The movement of our troops continues.”

We’re already starting to get a small glimpse into how Russia is responding to this counter-offensive here in Ukraine. Right now, they are launching long-range strikes, particularly in the Kharkiv region. That is where many of these territories in Ukraine have been liberated.

It appears Russian forces are now striking all over that particular region. But what it’s not doing is crushing the spirit… and the momentum of this counter-offensive. Ukrainians say Putin is waging the only war he knows… primarily against innocent, mostly defenseless people. 

A Kharviv resident said on Fox, “[Putin] became angry. He does not know what to do. He will strike here even more just on the infrastructure that we don’t have. This is to create more chaos and intimidate us. He will not succeed.”

Ukraine Liberates Villages in Kherson

Southern Ukraine is also doing good at the moment. Not long ago, Ukrainian Armed forces retook the village of Vysokopillia from Russia. 

The Ukrainian head of the Kherson Oblast shared that the city was officially under Kyiv’s control. He then provided information on the state of Vysokopillia after Ukrainian forces arrived.

Local Ukrainian reporters shared footage of their country’s flag displayed in Vysokopillia. Foreign policy writer Samuel Ramani stated, “The flag is on a hospital roof in Vysokopillya, Kherson Oblast. Russia is cracked down on any display of Ukrainian nationalism inside Kherson… and reportedly raised a Soviet victory flag in Kherson after its occupation.” 

According to The Guardian, the recapture of Vysokopillia continues a pattern of victories for Ukraine in its southernmost Kherson region. Moreover, Ukraine’s wins are making Russia pause its plan… on whether the country should formally annex the Kherson region.

The war is still far from over. As of now, Ukraine is doing its best to reclaim more of its territory from Russia…

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