White House Creates False Facts to Make Biden’s Mandates Look Good

A White House report from a few weeks ago builds up Biden’s forceful mandates to sound righteous and successful. They’re making it look like the demo-rat is doing a great job being our country’s president.

In the report, the liberals try to make people believe that their mandates have helped raise employee vaccination rates by more than “20 percentage points.” But in reality, these twisted dems are forcing just as many employees out of jobs… since these mandates are causing more unemployment.

In the White House’s report, they said that the vaccination requirements are “good for the economy and the labor force. They stated:

  • Increasing vaccination rates could return up to 5 million workers to

the labor force.

  • Higher vaccination rates lead to lower COVID-19 rates and a stronger


Biden announced before that his mandates require federal employees to get their jabs, forcing employers with more than 100 employees to vaccinate their workers.

He also forced his mandates on our health workers. The administration is putting these heroes on a tightrope… despite their efforts to save people’s lives every day for the last two years. 

These liberals are giving them only two choices… It’s either “you get vaccinated” or “you get fired.”

Meanwhile, St. George radio station owner Jeff Jennings protested through his radio station this November. He said, “It’s a protest against mandates, and it’s for freedom of choice. [They] are fed up with being threatened to lose their job.”

Jennings said a few thousand people showed up. It covered about two blocks from the medical center… although he did not have an exact figure of how many protesters showed up.

Aside from ruining the economy and the labor force, the dems are also putting our lives at risk. They want to inject these dangerous vaccines into everyone. To make it worse, they’re forcing the most vulnerable people to be part of their experiment… putting children and pregnant women’s life on the line.  

In the White House’s report, they insist that their vaccination requirements “save” people’s lives:

  • Vaccination requirements have increased vaccination rates by 20 plus percentage points to over 90% in many organizations
  • Vaccination requirements have already helped cut the rate of unvaccinated Americans by one-third.

They use this information to sugarcoat their schemes. They’re hiding their agenda with this report and creating their facts. Those who follow dem’s vaccine mandate on both children and pregnant women are genocidal maniacs. The future of the human race is at stake here… and the liberals are only using them as their lab rats.

The dems have been trying to force their vaccine mandates… even though our patriots don’t trust the science behind it. It is outrageous that they’re pushing the dangerous vaccine on everyone without enough scientific data and research to back it up!

Yet, after all these, the White House and the media praises Biden for his terrible job. This demo-rat should never be credited for destroying our economy and endangering our lives.

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2 Thoughts to “White House Creates False Facts to Make Biden’s Mandates Look Good”

  1. linda harrison

    Biden can take his mandates and stick them in his ear!!! And if he has something to say to me he can say it himself I have somethings to say to that nutbag myself.

  2. Terry Bell....FUCK JOE BIDEN a. BIDEN


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