Why Senator Kyrsten Sinema Hates You

Last week,dems had a chance to do the right thing for once.

They could have voted to help the American people, giving out the $2000 checks President Trump demanded (and the dems promised).

Instead, they decided to strip away support from millions of Americans – and some went even further, mocking anyone who’d dared to hope for a better outcome…

Despite the lies the mainstream media is telling you, the pandemic bill passed by the dems last week isn’t ‘showering money on Americans’ (Washington Post) or anything like that. 

It’s nowhere near as good as what the dems said they were offering… and doesn’t come near the trillions in stimulus funding that President Trump tried to get passed. 

During the voting for the package, there’s one thing that came up again and again… dems refusing to pass parts of the bill that could help Americans like you, while having no trouble passing every part of the bill that funnelled money to their big business allies.

For some politicians, the suffering of millions of Americans is nothing but a joke. In particular, Arizona senator Kyrsten Sinema.

In a disgusting display, Sinema didn’t just vote no to provisions set to support millions… she took joy in it, doing a pathetic little dance as she voted no to a part of the bill supported by around two-thirds of all Americans.

Sinema’s behavior was actually even worse than that sounds. Before making her vote on the bill, leaving many families across America unable to eat, she boasted about bringing cake for staffers in Congress, reminding many of Marie Antoinette…

Infamously, Antoinette’s out of touch declaration that if families were unable to afford bread, ‘let them eat cake’, led directly to the French Revolution, as the millions of starving workers decided they’d had enough of the parasitic royals living in luxury.

So when someone decides to enrich their corporate friends, deny support for average Americans, and mock their struggle while the media tries to convince you that everything’s better than it’s ever been before… it’s hard to avoid making the comparison.

One more thing – you’ll see the media whining about how no Republicans voted for the bill. Who cares? Months ago, when dems killed the bigger stimulus proposed by President Trump, the media didn’t care… they called it politics as usual. 

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One Thought to “Why Senator Kyrsten Sinema Hates You”

  1. souls must be united, Don’t be so low in souls, if zero teach the rules of the journey of the struggle of the soul that demands true love

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