Will Youtube Really Censor Videos on Abortion Misinformation?

YouTube will begin removing content that promotes or shows abortion “misinformation.” This move comes as a response to pressure from conservatives and pro-life groups. Many believe this is a form of censorship and will only lead to more stigma and shame around abortion.

This is just another way the platform is trying to silence those opposing abortion. The war on abortion is heating up and Youtube is trying to silence those who disagree, but we won’t let it succeed!

This move directly targets conservative beliefs on the topic. Moreover, it could potentially censor those who provide information that is closer to our ideals.

It looks like the Big Tech and the liberals are on another power trip. There’s a chance that they’re using this to silence our conservative opinions concerning abortion on Youtube…

Youtube to Pull Videos About Abortion Misinformation?

In recent months, a group of lawmakers began pushing Google to crack down on search results. These supposedly guide people looking for abortion services to pro-life pregnancy centers.

Google announced that it will work to rapidly delete location history for people going to abortion clinics… or other medical sites. Jen Fitzpatrick, Google’s senior vice president, wrote, “Today, we’re announcing that if our systems identify that someone has visited one of these places… we will delete these entries from Location History soon after they visit.”

Moreover, Youtube announced on Twitter it would be removing videos containing abortion misinformation. They posted, “Starting today and ramping up over the next few weeks. We will remove content that provides instructions for unsafe abortion methods… or promotes false claims about abortion safety under our medical misinformation policies.” 

They also said in a second Tweet, “Like all of our policies on health/medical topics… we rely on published guidance from health authorities. We prioritize connecting people to content from authoritative sources on health topics. We continuously review our policies & products as real-world events unfold.”

A third and final Tweet stated, “We’re also launching an information panel. [It] provides viewers with context and information from local and global health authorities. [This will be about] abortion-related videos and above relevant search results.”

They’re Basically Planning to Censor Republican Ideals

Yes, the intention may sound good. However, there’s a chance that they’re doing this for another politically motivated agenda that they aren’t disclosing.

Unfortunately, their true intent is different from what they have said. In reality, they will hide inconvenient facts they disagree with… as well as those that damage their political messaging. 

This is nothing less than censorship for political purposes. For them, information on how Republicans believe about abortion rights is all misinformation. They believe that it needs to be censored from public view because it doesn’t align with the dem party’s ideals!

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