Biden’s Unemployment Bonus Breeds Lazy Americans

Biden is killing the American work ethic. As the country re-opened post-COVID, more jobs have become available, but there are fewer workers willing to go back to the workforce. According to Morning Consult, 1.84 million Americans “turned down work” this July to keep Biden’s unemployment bonus.  Biden signed a law last March which delivered a $300 weekly bonus to Americans who were unemployed during the pandemic… on top of regular unemployment benefits.  Biden is babying the workforce and turning American citizens into children who feed off government money that’s provided…

Biden Relies Too Much on Printed Notes and Teleprompters

Biden continues to experience speech problems in every public appearance. He still relies heavily on teleprompters and written scripts. Some people believe this is due to his dementia, while others claim he’s simply just lazy. He’s continuously dependent on the notes and aides provided to him. Moreover, some still worry about his ability to lead our country at such a crucial time… especially when America needs someone with strong leadership qualities. We remember how: He made America an embarrassment at the Geneva Summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin He stuttered…

Biden Gets Sidetracked AGAIN With Handling Inflation

Joe Biden / Gage Skidmore / Flickr / August 8, 2019 / CC BY-SA 2.0 The Biden administration continues to make Americans suffer for their incompetence. They’re terrible at everything they do… especially with the handling the federal budget. America continues to feel the inflation caused by the administration. We’ve seen: How we started the year with a 7% rise in consumer prices – the highest we got in 40 years Biden led America to a food shortage Our country lost its energy independence The administration wasted $1.5 trillion on…

The Biden Administration Has Ruined Our Labor Economy

The Biden administration continues to mismanage our labor economy. It’s gone from bad to worse over the last several months… A few months ago, we saw how Biden’s unemployment bonus destroyed our country’s work ethic… and how it bred lazy Americans.  We’ve also seen how the administration forcibly implemented their vaccine mandates on Big Tech employees, healthcare workers, and military veterans.  Now we’re seeing the effects of their actions on America. Let’s go, Brandon!  This December, corporate layoffs are falling to their lowest in almost 30 years… as the US…

Is Biden’s $1.75 Trillion Bill Fully Paid For?

The White House passed Biden’s $1.75 trillion budget plan last November. The majority in the chamber – consisting of leftists – approved the unnecessary “Build Back Better Act” with a vote of 220-213. The bill features massive investments in health care, education, housing, the environment, and other policies that benefit the dems agenda; it would also require taxes to be raised on wealthy Americans and big corporations… to help pay for this big project. Yes, the dems were victorious once again with the approval of their bill. But Biden and…