Brian Babin Protects Veterans’ Benefits from Bidens Agenda

US Soldiers / The U.S. Army / Flickr / Taken on April 1, 2007 / CC BY-SA 2.0 Texas Rep. Brian Babin exposed the Biden administration’s agenda of stealing VA benefits from veterans who still refuse to get vaccinated… These liberals are abusing their power under the guise of ‘helping people’. Last November, Biden ordered the Department of Veterans Affairs to hold off healthcare benefits for unvaccinated veterans. The demo-rat said, “Veterans are part of the problem when they should be part of the solution.” Then he mocked our veterans…

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Can the Dems Really Handle the Omicron Variant?

Virus VIH/ Kanijoman / Flickr / September 28, 2011/ CC BY 2.0 The Covid-19 virus is continuously evolving as we’ve seen with the new variant. The World Health Organization (WHO) named it Omicron… and it’s the most heavily mutated virus found so far. The first case of Omicron was identified in California last November 29th. Dr. Anthony Fauci went into detail about the first case during a press conference. “Some of you may have heard that the California and San Francisco Departments of Public Health… and the CDC have confirmed…

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Dems Seek to Abolish President Trump’s Space Force

Almost two years ago, President Trump signed a defense spending bill authorizing the creation of a “Space Force” as the sixth branch of the United States armed force.  This would mark the first time a new armed service branch has been added since 1947… when the Air Force split from the Army. The move required congressional authorization and funding. The new branch is expected to develop teams to defend satellites from attacks… along with other space-related missions. It will operate within the US Air Force, similar to how the Marine…

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Politicized Science: Republicans lose faith in science

The science behind today’s COVID vaccines won’t fool our patriots… Republicans have grown “less confident” with today’s science. On the other hand, the dems seem to have more confidence than ever. A breakdown from a Gallup poll this July showed a comparison of our Americans’ confidence in science in 2021 and 1975. There were 45% of Republicans who said they have confidence in science in 2021; compared with 72% who felt that way in 1975 Among the dems, there were 79% who said they’re confident now; compared with 67% who…

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Israeli Security Chief: Aliens Exist, Trump Met Them

Do aliens exist? It’s still one of the biggest open questions for freethinkers everywhere… According to Israel’s former space security chief, Haim Eshed, there’s an answer – not only do aliens exist, but we’ve been working with them for years. That’s not all that Eshed has said… he’s claimed that President Trump is one of the only people to know the full truth about aliens. In a shocking interview, Eshed claimed that we’ve been in contact with a ‘Galactic Federation’ for decades, working alongside them on some completely secret projects…

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