Dems Are Stripping You of Your Voting Rights

Once again the Dems have come up with another song and dance claiming to ‘defend’ the voting rights of Americans with the “For the People Act”.  The truth is that this bill is nothing more than a smokescreen to put the voting process in the hands of the left… Just recently, in a procedural vote set by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, all 50 Republican members of the Senate voted against this absurd bill, putting it at a stalemate.  West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin is also against this bill, considering…

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The End of COVID in America?

Joe Biden is ALL talk as usual, with his claims that America will be COVID-free by July 4th.  But big words also need to be followed by actual action… just look at how President Trump handled things. We all know that Biden is not in his prime anymore. He’s the oldest inaugurated president… at age 78.  Is his health affecting his ability to get things done? We think so…  Biden wants to celebrate the 4th of July almost COVID-free. However, his goal to have 70% of Americans partially vaccinated is…

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Guilty? Bill Gates Ties to Epstein Exposed

For years, Microsoft founder Bill Gates has tried to claim that his ties to Jeffrey Epstein were just a coincidence… that he didn’t know anything about Epstein’s series of crimes. Now, his soon-to-be ex-wife is leaving him because of his connection to Epstein… and she’s telling the truth about just how far the Gates-Epstein link really went. We’re exposing the truth about Bill Gates, finally revealing the facts he’s tried so hard to hide, and which none of his mass-media allies would ever dream of exposing.  When Bill and Melinda…

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US Boycotts the ‘Genocide’ Olympics

The Olympic games are normally a time for Americans to show their patriotism while cheering for their favorite athletes.  Unfortunately, the upcoming Winter Olympic games are being dragged down by the atrocities committed by China against the Uyghur people, while Biden and the dems refuse to take a stand.   The 2022 Winter Olympics are being hosted in Beijing, China. Across the last few months, the Chinese government’s shameful human rights abuses have come under fire from Republicans, particularly as the Winter Olympics approach. The US state department is calling the…

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Epstein Guards Lie Again

The infrastructure of our prison system/correctional facilities has collapsed over the last decade, after constant attacks from dems on the system. Thanks to their changes, a major lack of staffing and proper management has allowed corruption to run riot in these facilities, leading to horrific results, like the alleged suicide of sex-trafficking pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. If you’re one of the tiny number of people who buy the official story, Epstein took his own life in an unprecedented way, miraculously choosing a time when no guards were patrolling, when one of…

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