Biden Team Already Profiting from Arms Deals

Less than a month into his term in office, Biden’s top team are already turning major profits from his decisions.  We’ve already told you about the millions Nancy Pelosi ‘coincidentally’ made from investing in electric cars… But with Biden’s top assistants collecting major paychecks from arms deals, the situation is far worse. Just days ago, the Biden administration approved their first major international arms deals, planning to send over $200 million in weapons to various countries around the world. One of those countries was Chile, where arms dealers Raytheon just…

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President Trump Exonerated in Court

Surprising no one, dems completely failed in their latest attack on Trump… With the senate finding him completely not guilty as the impeachment trial came to a close. While we already knew the trial would be pointless, the reality was even more embarrassing than anyone thought. You already knew that the impeachment trial against Donald Trump was pointless…  A complete waste of time that was just about making the dems look good to their followers. It turns out they can’t even manage that. After demanding that the pointless trial be…

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Even Dems Know the Impeachement Trial is Pointless

For all their hysteria throughout President Trump’s first term, the media has been almost completely silent about the ongoing impeachment trial. And there’s a reason for that… They know the trial is completely pointless. Here’s why… The fact is, impeachment means practically nothing in the real world… It’s like complaining to a teacher that someone isn’t following the rules… a complete waste of time and money. Just about anyone you press on President Trump’s first impeachment will end up admitting it was just shallow and politically motivated… The fact that…

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How Big Tech Took Control

Just a few years ago, the idea of tech companies controlling anything would have seemed ridiculous… Now, it’s almost impossible to imagine a world without them. But how did they take so much power… and what can you do about it? Let me tell you some facts you might already have guessed… Almost half of all adults get at least some of their news from social media. And over two thirds of adults now get news online. Those numbers didn’t come out of nowhere… And they’re not going away any…

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We Told You So – Lincoln Project Sex Crimes Revealed

Remember the Lincoln Project?  Probably the best-known of the anti-Trump ‘Republican’ groups, the group shook down naive voters for millions, then paid themselves most of what they collected. Now, the alleged sex crimes of the Project’s co-founder have been publically revealed… When we told you about the Lincoln Project, and their schemes for self-enrichment, it was already clear that their opposition to President Trump was because he didn’t want to hire their founders. They got cut out of Trump’s campaign for President – and they decided they needed a new…

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