Liberals Making Everything Unfair with their Mask Mandates

Close-up of a person’s head covered with face masks / Ivan Radic / Flickr / February 27, 2021 / CC BY 2.0 Ever since Covid-19 started, the dems imposed their forceful mask and vaccine mandates. We all know that the leftists are all using the situation to gain control. We’ve seen how they: Wasted federal funds for mass testing and millions of vaccines Decided to terminate 4,000 deputies for not taking the vaccine Attempted to steal the VA benefits of unvaccinated veterans Risked the livelihoods of healthcare, airline, and Big…

Psaki Tests Positive for Covid-19 and Was Unable to Travel to Europe

We all know that White House secretary Jen Psaki is a really great liar. Last year, reporters grilled the demo-rat about Biden’s wrong moves in handling the Afghanistan crisis.  She did everything to cover for Biden’s incompetence during the Afghanistan crisis. Psaki lied through her teeth to get away with everything… Psaki Pressed on Whether US Finances Putin’s War During the first weeks of March, reporters asked Psaki if the Biden administration’s refusal to ban Russian oil imports is helping to fund Vladimir Putin’s war on Ukraine. In response, Psaki…

Government Departments Found to be Customers of Smartphone Hacking Company

It seems that the government is still up to no good, they can’t seem to stop finding new ways to spy on others. Israeli-based company Cellebrite creates hardware and software that unlock smartphones, and to no one’s surprise, they have thousands of customers in the U.S. government… Cellebrite initially worked only with law enforcement agencies, but now, they’ve begun to broaden the availability of their software in the private sector.  Albert Fox Cahn, the executive director of the nonprofit advocacy group Surveillance Technology Oversight Project, has called out the lack…

Patriot Leaders Expose Anthony Fauci

Dr. Anthony Fauci / U.S. Department of the Interior / Flickr / November 15, 2021/ CC BY-SA 2.0 / Our patriot leaders are keeping a close eye on Dr. Anthony Fauci. This hypocrite who’s siding with the dems knew about China’s plans with  the virus right before the pandemic started. The doctor who should have been saving lives… seems to be responsible for the death of millions of people. Our patriot leaders believe that Dr. Fauci is involved in the virus’s origin… because he funded China’s risky research at the…

Big Pharma Use Omicron as Excuse to Force Another Dose

The Biden Administration has trampled on our human rights time and time again with their vaccine mandates. Even the US Senate was triggered to pass a bill to stop Biden’s vaccine mandates last December.  We’ve seen how the liberals: Attempted to steal the VA benefits of unvaccinated veterans Threatened the employability of healthcare, airline, and Big Tech workers Imposed mandates on children ages 5-11 Required college universities to issue booster mandates on students Forced pregnant women to take the vaccine Made it difficult to go to public places like restaurants,…