Republicans Can Gain More Seats in the House Chamber

In a few months, the midterm elections will be held. This is an important time for Americans to exercise their voting rights. The outcome of these elections will determine the direction of our country for the years to come.

We all know that the twisted dems don’t deserve to win the elections. We’ve seen them:

Our patriot leaders are fighting hard for the upcoming elections. They believe in the American people and our democracy.

House Republicans’ Momentum Growing Before Midterm Elections

Right now, the liberals control the House, Senate, and the presidency. However, the Republican Party only needs to win a small number of seats in the upcoming election… to take control of the House and Senate.

According to a nonpartisan handicapping service, the Republican Party is projected to gain between 20 and 35 seats in the House chamber during the November midterm elections.

Biden’s poor performance is also the reason why there’s an opening for our Patriot leaders. Nathan Gonzales and Jacob Rubashkin shared their thoughts in their Inside Elections newsletter.

They wrote, “While Biden’s poor standing sets the stage for a national election with down-ballot consequences, Democrats will try to run dozens of individual races. Their battle-tested incumbents can weather the storm by discrediting GOP candidates.”

There’s a chance a Republican-led “red wave” to happen throughout the House and Senate.

Elon Musk Won’t Vote for Dems Anymore

Elon Musk tweeted that he will not vote for Democrats in the upcoming elections. The billionaire said that he would support Republicans instead. Though he also mentioned he would prefer a “more moderate” third-party alternative.

Musk also said, “Generally, the party with less power (currently Republicans at the national level) moves more toward [the] center to win moderate votes, so control of House/Senate/President goes back & forth over time.”

Even the Tesla CEO knows that the liberals don’t deserve to be in control… and he’s very vocal about it. 

Senate Dems Launched Ads to Attack Dr. Oz and McCormick

The liberals never knew how to play fair. Senate Democrats launched ads against candidates Dr. Mehmet Oz and Dave McCormick in Pennsylvania’s Senate Republican primary.

The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) released separate ads attacking the two candidates…

The first ad called Dr. Oz a “Hollywood scam artist.” It says, “Doctors have called him a fake who endangers patients willing to peddle anything to make it in Hollywood. And now, in politics, too.”

While the second ad called McCormick a “Wall Street Insider [who bought] a Senate seat.”  It also said that our patriot leader “got rich cozying up to China and outsourcing jobs.” The video also mentioned that McCormick “took taxpayer money and promised to create them here but fired Pittsburgh workers instead.”

The ads provide more evidence of how corrupt the far left is. They are always trying to push their agenda and destroy our way of life. We can’t let them win.

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