Biden Announced $300 Billion Student Loan Handout Despite Inflation

Biden is ready to waste $300 Billion for his student loan handout. We all know this legislation is unnecessary and will worsen our economy. That amount of money is nearly half of our entire yearly defense budget. A mother from NJ even shared her worries on Fox News about dem’s new program. She confessed, “I pray my son never wants to go to college one day. [I wish he would] make a lot of money doing something he loves, with zero debt — unlike me.” Parents like her triggered our…

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Biden Hires 87,000 IRS Agents After Passing Inflation Reduction Act

Biden continues to make inflation worse in America. He is determined to ruin our economy with his irrational decisions. We cannot allow him to continue on this destructive path. We must stand up to him and fight for the future of our country. So far, we’ve seen the administration: Lead us to food and baby formula shortages Steal our energy independence Spend 1.5 trillion on unnecessary domestic programs Waste government funds for mass testing and millions of vaccines We all know that his Inflation Reduction Act will only do the…

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Covid-19 Shots Coverage to Shift From Government to Individuals and Insurance companies

The government has provided Covid-19 vaccines throughout the pandemic. Now, they’re planning to stop funding the shots they started… while transferring the burden to insurance companies and individuals. Many people are still skeptical about getting the vaccine. Some people believe that the government is hiding information about the dangers of the virus.  The dems have done too much to abuse our rights with their Covid regulations. They say it’s for our safety, but it’s hard to believe them. It’s obvious that they only want to stay in control. The left…

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Dr. Fauci Hides His Involvement with the Covid-19 Origins

Dr. Anthony Fauci continues to insist that he has no involvement with the virus’ origins. Despite the mounting evidence against him, Fauci continues to maintain his position that he is innocent. However, this is causing many to question his motivation. Fauci had prior knowledge of China’s plans regarding the new coronavirus. The demo-rat kept this information secret until it was too late. He must be held accountable for his actions. Our patriot leaders are working tirelessly to expose Fauci’s lies. They believe he is purposely trying to mislead the American…

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Patriot Leaders Fight Domestic Terrorism Bill Despite Backlash from Dems

Republicans are fighting to stop domestic terrorism. They believe it’s a threat to the safety of Americans, and it’s something that needs to be stopped. They are working tirelessly to find ways to prevent these acts of violence from happening. However, the dems seem to think that Republicans are nothing more than domestic terrorists. They couldn’t be more wrong! Republicans are the party of law and order. We believe in personal responsibility, hard work, and self-reliance. We are patriots who love our country and want what’s best for her. The…

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