Many Republican Leaders are Serious About Helping Ukraine

Health care 3 / Medill DC / Flickr / January 18, 2011 / CC BY 2.0 There may be a divide right now in the GOP. But despite all that, many of our leaders in the Republican party are serious about helping Ukraine.  They’re seeing how the war is affecting people’s lives. Oil prices continue to go up More Ukrainian soldiers are getting killed More refugees continue to flee Ukraine Putin continues to censor the media Last March, Rep. Michael Waltz warned Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to leave the capital…

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Governor DeSantis Achieving So Much in One Month

Ron DeSantis / Gage Skidmore / Flickr / February 23, 2017 / CC BY-SA 2.0 Governor Ron DeSantis has continued to be active ever since the year started… and he’s not slowing down one bit. We’ve seen him slam Biden during CPAC and expose the woke CEO of Disney this March. Even as the first quarter of the year ended, DeSantis continued to overdeliver… DeSantis Doesn’t Back Down from His Critics We all know that DeSantis is vocal that he’s against the administration’s mask and vaccine mandates. This March, DeSantis…

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Texas and Several Other States Fight for Children’s Lives

Pregnant woman / sergio santos / Flickr / June 9, 2018 / CC BY 2.0 Our patriot leaders in Texas continue to fight for their advocacy of saving children’s lives. The Abortion law bans pregnancy termination… after approximately six weeks of gestation. Texas Governor Greg Abbot is one of the biggest supporters of this law. He said, “Our creator endowed us with the right to life. Yet millions of children lose their right to life every year because of abortion.” Our patriot leaders in Texas were able to lessen abortion…

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Trump Slams Brooks for Convincing Him to Give Up on the RIGGED 2020 Elections

Mo Brooks / Gage Skidmore / Flickr / September 25, 2021 / CC BY-SA 2.0 President Trump continues to work on his advocacy of making America great again. Even if he doesn’t have the POTUS title anymore, he still acts like a real president compared to Biden. Trump has shown more results during and after his term. We’ve seen our president: Attain the greatest regulation cuts in history Establish the Space Force Get Anwar approved – which Ronald Reagan tried to do Dedicate more effort in fixing our borders Expose…

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Biden Criticizes Governor Abbot’s Advocacy on Gender Rights

Greg Abbott / Gage Skidmore / Flickr / October 13, 2012 / CC BY-SA 2.0 Our patriot leaders continue their advocacy for gender rights… South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem fights to protect fairness in women’s sports. We’ve seen the governor sign a bill that bans transgender women from participating in women’s sports this March… Noem acknowledges that biological sex plays a big factor in sports. She said, “Girls will have a level playing field. They’ll get the chance to compete only against other biological females… as reflected on their birth…

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