Dems Fail to Strip Away Our Gun Rights

Gun Club / Peretz Partensky / Flickr / February 8, 2014 / CC BY-SA 2.0 The dems are always ready to take away our freedom to protect ourselves with firearms. They continue making anti-gun laws to stay in control and stifle that “Republican culture” in our country. But 2022 has just begun, our fellow patriots are getting the upper hand so far… Republicans on Senate Passed Gun Bill on College Campuses Patriot leaders in the Arizona State Judiciary approved a bill allowing concealed carry. This will be specifically for students…

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American’s Want To See Olympic Sponsors Pull Campaigns From The Games

Vladimir Putin attended the opening ceremony of the XXIV Winter Olympic Games in Beijing. On the blue field are Cai Qi (left) and Thomas Bach (right) / Presidential Executive Office of Russia / Flickr / 4 February 2022 / CC BY 4.0 The 2022 Olympics have been underway for about a week now, and amid the excitement and patriotism of cheering on our American athletes, there is controversy brewing under the surface of the ice.  What’s hidden behind the curtain is China’s dark past and history of human rights abuses…

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Youtube Censorship Going Too Far?

YouTube logo / Rego Korosi / Flickr / April 1, 2010 / CC BY-SA 2.0 The conservative party has always had problems with Big Tech. These companies take advantage of their power to censor our patriot’s opinions, making us look like the bad guys while hiding all the liberals’ accidents. We’ve seen several Big Tech companies ban President Trump: Facebook suspends him until 2023 Twitter gave him a permanent suspension Alphabet Inc’s Youtube suspended his channel last January 2021 Not long ago, Republican Senator Marco Rubio called out Youtube for…

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Biden Wasted Billions for Mass Covid Testing

20210301_133704 / Daniel / Flickr / CC BY-NC 2.0 / We’ve been doubting the Biden administration’s capabilities of handling the Omicron variant. It turns out that they weren’t as competent as we thought. Biden directed health officials to get an additional 500 million Covid tests distributed for free amid the Omicron surge. Once again, the demo-rat is wasting our taxpayers’ money just to be in control – a little too late. He first emphasized the need for more testing. He said during a press conference, “One of the other things…

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Biden Fuels Fire Behind Our Immigration Crisis

Joe Biden Rally / Matt Bargar / Flickr / October 13, 2008 / CC BY-NC 2.0 / Biden never really cared for our borders ever since he became president. He didn’t bother continuing President Trump’s efforts in solving the crisis.  For the most part in 2021, the demo-rat did a great job of ignoring the borders. As the year ended, the entire situation got worse because of his incompetence. While in the first months of 2022, we can say that the dems are still not taking action to fix the…

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