Is China Building More Than Nuclear Silos?

China is building new missile silos in its western desert. Satellite footage shows an alarming development that signals an “increase in their country’s nuclear capabilities.”  Our US military and analysts described China’s improved nuclear field as a “major expansion.” Is this going to be another threat for the US? Researchers at the Federation of American Scientists estimate that China has about 250 underground missile silos under construction. They used satellite imagery to identify a new field being built in western China. That was the second one reported this summer. Last…

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The Border Crisis Invisible to Biden

Biden promised to reverse the immigration policies that President Trump placed. Now there’s more chaos at the border than ever… Busloads of migrant families from border cities were dropped off all over Texas.  According to Laredo Mayor Pete Saenz, there were several “untested migrants” sent to Dallas, Austin, and Houston. The charter buses cost the city $8,000 – $10,000 dollars per day. So far, the city has sent about 800 migrants north… Laredo also said, “These migrants aren’t being tested. Border Patrol doesn’t test them. We [much less] don’t have…

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Get Vaccinated or Become Unemployed

As the delta variant continues to spread in the US, Big Tech companies are requiring their employees to have proof of vaccination before they can go back to work on-site… and they’re not taking their employee’s word for it. Vaccine mandates are gaining popularity with the left as panic ensues across the country. Big Tech companies are making it mandatory to get COVID-19 vaccinations. Companies such as Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Lyft, Uber, and Twitter require their employees to submit proof of vaccination before coming to the office. Last July, CDC…

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Harris Plays The Victim to Win Dem Favor

Harris is now losing the dem’s trust.. and it’s all thanks to her terrible performance as vice president of our country. Even her own hypocrisy has made her own kind turn against her. Yes, she is expected to be Biden’s heir. But many dems also doubt her ability to defeat President Trump or our other Patriot leaders. The dems think that Harris is “unelectable,” and they don’t see her doing a great job of leading our country.  They hate her fake laughter They’re not impressed with her inability to succeed…

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The US Stock Market Could Crash Soon…

Biden has set the inflation time bomb with his trillion-dollar policies and agenda. Wall Street economists predict a significant burst of inflation… and it’s all thanks to his irrational actions with federal funds. The US stock market is also expected to crash if Biden’s massive spending budget passes. The mainstream media tells us that Biden is “saving the economy.” But in reality, the Biden Administration are the ones ruining it. Our inflation rate grew by 5% in just one month last June; it’s the sharpest increase our economy has seen…

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