Pelosi’s Latest Gun Control Push Will Do More Harm Than Good

It’s been over three weeks since the horrific shooting incident in Uvalde, Texas. During the event, 19 students and 2 teachers died. 

This tragedy is, unfortunately, the deadliest in Texas history. As Americans, we’re devastated by this senseless act of violence. We fully support the victims and their families during this difficult time. 

However, the dems are using the recent shooting incident to restrict gun laws. They have been pushing for more strict firearm restrictions and they are using this event to push their political agenda

What they’re doing is wrong. We need law-abiding citizens who can protect themselves from violence wherever possible.

We must come together as a country and evaluate why something like this could happen. More importantly, we should let people protect themselves from these kinds of situations.

Pelosi to Push Proposal for Gun Restrictions

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said a group of senators agreed to a “gun control and violence prevention framework.” 

Pelosi mentioned in a statement that they’re saving people’s lives. The demo-rat said, “While more is needed, this package will take steps to save lives. Included in the Senate framework are House Democrats’ proposals to incentivize states to establish extreme risk protection order laws… and get guns out of the hands of those who pose a danger to themselves or others.”

Unfortunately, this is only another lie from Pelosi. This new gun law will prevent firearms from ending up in the hands of people who should have them. Moreover, this will also destroy a big part of our Republican culture.

Shortly,  Biden announced he would sign an agreement on a framework for a firearms safety bill… proposed by Pelosi and the other senators. 

The demo-rat mentioned that this would be the decades’ most significant gun safety law. Biden said, “Obviously, it does not do everything that I think is needed. But it reflects important steps in the right direction. [This] would be the most significant gun safety legislation to pass Congress in decades.”

People Should Be Able to Protect Themselves

According to a recent poll from The Economist, around 51% of Americans perceive that teachers and administrators should carry firearms in schools. The survey came one week after the Texas shooting incident.

Meanwhile, Rep. Jodey Arrington believes that gun laws should be used for self-defense, not for restriction. He said on Newsmax, “[There is a] fundamental right for the good guys to be armed and ready to defend themselves against the bad guys.”

Then Arrington shared his thoughts as a parent. He said, “ I have three elementary school kids of my own. I feel a lot better if my school and the school that my children attend would have trained teachers, coaches, and administrators… ready to meet the perpetrator with equal or greater force.”

He added that people in free-gun zones are easier targets. Arrington said, “[Around] 98% of mass shootings happen in gun-free zones.”

Unfortunately, the dems found another way to attack our gun rights. Our patriot leaders need to act fast to save our gun rights…

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