President Trump Reacts to Crises Under Biden’s Leadership

Donald Trump / Gage Skidmore / Flickr / October 29, 2016 / CC BY-SA 2.0

President Trump has proven himself worthy to lead America over and over again. Right now, we’re seeing how the Biden administration is failing every citizen. They never do anything right… and always point at someone else to blame for their mistakes.

Unlike the demo-rats, Trump has shown what he’s capable of. We’ve seen him:

  • Build the Space Force
  • Achieve the greatest regulation cuts in history
  • Make America energy independent during his term
  • Get Anwar approved which Ronald Reagan tried to do
  • Create a blueprint to fix the borders crisis

The dems are actually threatened by Trump because he’s never afraid to say and do the right thing. They even spied on our president, denied his executive privilege, and ruined his image in the mainstream media. 

But all that won’t stop our president from fulfilling his mission of making America great again. 

Trump Exposes The Biden Administration’s Failures

This April, Trump reacted to crises under Biden’s leadership in an exclusive interview on Fox.

President Trump acknowledged how our country has lost its energy reserves. He said, “We are stopping production. We’re going to Venezuela and we’re asking them [for help]. But we’re getting it indirectly from Russia.”

Then he added, “We have to create [again] tremendous amounts of oil and gas and let it be clean. Last year, we had them all.”

Joe Biden inherited an America that was energy independent and an exporter of energy. But when he became president, everything that Trump built disappeared fast. 

Our president shared his disappointment with the Biden administration. He said, “I can’t imagine that they [the Biden administration] would allow this to happen. It’s a terrible situation. If we won this election – in which we did –  we’d put everything in place.” 

Then, President Trump emphasized that he would’ve been able to handle all problems our current administration failed to manage. He added, “We are on the wrong side of everything. We have inflation which wouldn’t have happened with us. Ukraine wouldn’t have happened. [The conflict in] Taiwan would never happen. None of this stuff wouldn’t have happened.”

Trump also believes that America could’ve been a stronger nation during this crisis with proper leadership. He said,  “In war, you need money to win. It’s just very simple. So Putin, whether he sells it directly or indirectly, is selling for more money. He’s taking in massive amounts of money in Russia despite the disaster that’s going on in Ukraine. It’s a horrible thing to watch and we could be doing better.”

Everything that President Trump said is the sad reality we have today. Biden did make America weak during this crisis. The administration has given us nothing but:

Every American citizen doesn’t deserve to suffer because of the Biden administration’s failure. If the liberals want to save America, they need to step back and let a true leader like Trump make things better. 

We’ve already seen the difference between President Trump and Biden’s capabilities…

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