The White House Appointed the Wrong Press Secretary AGAIN

The new White House Press Secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, is still doing a terrible job. She’s been a complete disaster. Everyone knows she lacks any competence or capability to handle the press. The only thing Jean-Pierre is good at is spinning the President’s lies. She’s no different than her predecessor, Nancy Pelosi. Many people are surprised that she was given the job. We remember Jean-Pierre blabbering about being the “first black, gay and immigrant woman” to hold the title. We’ve proven that being “competent” is much more needed than “being first.”…

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Gas Prices Continue to Worsen

President Trump built everything up so well during his time. After his term ended, America was thrown into chaos. Gas prices are rising, and our economy is in bad shape!   The current administration is leading us to further economic failure. With Joe Biden’s weak leadership, we’re heading towards more inflation. Biden inherited a healthy economy. Our country was energy independent and was exporting a lot. But when he became president, these things quickly disappeared. The administration implemented terrible plans that increased inflation all around us. It is not surprising why…

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Biden’s Ocean Shipping Bill Won’t Be Enough to Stop Inflation

This June, Biden signed an ocean shipping bill to reduce export backlogs.  The administration is failing to address the real issues facing our country… and is pushing through legislation that will cover for their mistakes. When in fact, the real causes of the inflation are: The administration’s unnecessary spending packages worth trillions of dollars Biden removing America’s energy independence The liberals leading us to food shortages Overspending on Covid mass testing and vaccines Just when you think Biden can’t get any more incompetent, he goes and proves us wrong again.…

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Biden’s Leadership Has Caused Inflation to Worsen

The Biden administration’s handling of inflation has been disastrous. Prices are soaring, and the economy is suffering as a result. Inflation rates have continued to climb since Biden took office. Some of its causes are from the current administration, specifically with: Their excessive spending They led us to a food shortage Them taking away our energy independence Prices are spiraling out of control. This is especially difficult for families who are struggling to make ends meet. Things are only going to get harder for working families…. especially if the government…

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Sen. Rand Paul Stops Dems from their $40 Billion Ukraine Aid

Republican Sen. Rand Paul continues to fight against the twisted dems’ politically motivated agendas.  The Biden administration has put us through inflation, oil price hikes, and food shortages. Now, they want to take more federal funds for themselves… and they’re using Ukraine to push through their plans.  This May, Paul took issue with the liberals’ $40 billion aid package for Ukraine. Good thing our patriot leader was able to keep America from further economic loss. Paul Stops the $40B Ukraine Aid Package The dems in the US Senate joined forces…

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