Moderna Testing New Booster Shots for Omicron

Medical worker preparing Covid-19 mRNA vaccine from Moderna / Marco Verch Professional Photographer / Flickr / December 18, 2020 / CC BY 2.0 The dems and big pharma companies continue to take advantage of the pandemic. They’re using the crisis to show who’s in control, conduct more experiments, and make a profit out of it.  We’ve seen how: Pfizer plans to vaccinate children under 5 years old Biden wasted billions of dollars for mass Covid testing Dr. Anthony Fauci knew about China’s plans with the virus before the pandemic started…

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Big Pharma Use Omicron as Excuse to Force Another Dose

The Biden Administration has trampled on our human rights time and time again with their vaccine mandates. Even the US Senate was triggered to pass a bill to stop Biden’s vaccine mandates last December.  We’ve seen how the liberals: Attempted to steal the VA benefits of unvaccinated veterans Threatened the employability of healthcare, airline, and Big Tech workers Imposed mandates on children ages 5-11 Required college universities to issue booster mandates on students Forced pregnant women to take the vaccine Made it difficult to go to public places like restaurants,…

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