The Biden Administration Focuses on Ukraine’s Problems Instead of America’s Needs

It’s outrageous that the Biden administration would instead send money to a foreign country… instead of caring for our own people. We need to put America first. This starts with ensuring that our government is investing in our country. US to Send Ukraine Another $400 Million Military Aid The US will send Ukraine another $400 million in military assistance. These funds are meant to help the country defend itself against Russia. Other arms, munitions, air defense missiles, and vehicles are being sent. Right now, Ukraine is dealing with relentless aerial…

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Ukraine Loses a Third of Its Power Stations But Continues to Fight Russia

Russia continues to fire missiles at cities in Ukraine. The country has been in turmoil for months, and there doesn’t seem to be an end yet. Ukrainian citizens fear not knowing when the next attack will occur. Despite Russian attacks, Ukraine has remained standing. Their ability to withstand Russia’s missiles has been inspirational. Even in the face of constant aggression, Ukraine has never given up. Rusian Forces Losing Ground Despite Destroying a Third of Ukraine Power Stations This October, Russia demolished nearly a third of Ukraine’s power stations. However,  Ukraine…

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The Administration Spends Billions for Ukraine Without a Clear Goal

Biden is wasting billions of dollars by funding Ukraine without a clear goal. What does he hope to accomplish with this money? American taxpayers are footing the bill for his reckless spending…  The dems are splurging billions of dollars by trying to help Ukraine. However, they have no idea what they’re doing, and it’s a complete waste of money. Biden and Dems Waste Don’t Know How to Help Ukraine Properly The Senate recently passed a short-term spending bill that aims to: Avert a partial government shutdown when the fiscal year…

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Ukraine Recaptures More than 6,000 Square Kilometers of Territory in the South and East

Ukraine has been working tirelessly to regain control of its territories from Russia. Despite the setbacks, they have recently made significant progress. It’s a complex and difficult responsibility, but it’s vital for the future of Ukraine. This month, Ukraine regained some of its territory from Russia. Specifically in Eastern and Southern Ukraine. This marks a significant milestone for them. Ukraine Recaptured Over 6,000 Square Kilometers of Territory Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy says his troops have reclaimed roughly 6,000 square kilometers (2,300 sq miles) of occupied territory… since the beginning of…

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EU Union & 40 Countries Call on Russia to Surrender Ukraine Nuclear Plant

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine revolves around Zaporizhzhia… where the biggest nuclear plant in Europe is located. Ukrainian authorities believe that Russia is weaponizing the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant. They say Russia has turned it into a de facto military base. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director-General Rafael Grossi thinks the nuclear plant has gotten “completely out of control” since Russia seized the facility in March.  The director emphasized that whoever uses the nuclear plant should respect its limitations. He said, “Every principle of nuclear safety has been violated [in…

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