President Trump Reacts to Crises Under Biden’s Leadership

Donald Trump / Gage Skidmore / Flickr / October 29, 2016 / CC BY-SA 2.0 President Trump has proven himself worthy to lead America over and over again. Right now, we’re seeing how the Biden administration is failing every citizen. They never do anything right… and always point at someone else to blame for their mistakes. Unlike the demo-rats, Trump has shown what he’s capable of. We’ve seen him: Build the Space Force Achieve the greatest regulation cuts in history Make America energy independent during his term Get Anwar approved…

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Patriot Leaders Not Impressed With Biden Leading America to Food Shortage

Herschel Walker visit with USAFA Class of 2016 Basic Cadet Training [Image 4 of 17] / DVIDSHUB / Flickr / July 19, 2012 / CC BY 2.0 More than a month has passed since Russia invaded Ukraine. Soldiers were killed, refugees continued to flee, and infrastructures were destroyed. We’ve also seen how it affected the US economically as gas prices went up. The inflation that the dems created has only continued to worsen.  Biden even blamed President Vladimir Putin for the soaring inflation that he caused. He did the same…

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Former Pentagon Official: US Infrastructure’s Cyber Defense at ‘Kindergarten’ Level

The war between Russia and Ukraine continues. Unfortunately, America seems to be too weak to do anything relevant… especially with the administration we have today.  Biden’s lack of leadership made our country weak during this crisis. We’re unable to help Ukraine when it needs us the most. But more importantly, we aren’t even sure if America can defend itself if something goes wrong… Former Pentagon official Nicolas Chaillan admitted that America doesn’t stand a chance if Russia and China combine forces. He shared his thoughts during an interview on Fox.…

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Biden and Harris Slammed For Ignoring Rising War and Inflation

Biden has been under fire for ignoring public discussion about the Russia Ukraine war, he also doesn’t seem to be taking any actions to help our Ukrainian allies or American citizens.  Aside from making any decisions about the war, he also continues to ignore the inflation crisis that is only getting worse…  Despite that, Psaki has announced that Biden will “absolutely” discuss inflation in his state of the Union address on Tuesday.  ”First, let me say, the president will absolutely use the word inflation [Tuesday] and he will talk about…

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Russian Ruble Worthless, Oil Reaches $139 a Barrel amid Ukraine Conflict

War in Ukraine is beginning to have some trickle-down effects on surrounding countries. After sanctions and bans were placed on Russia, the rest of the world began to see a massive boom in oil prices, and the stock market in Russia saw a massive collapse.  The price of oil reached $105.18 a barrel early last week, that’s almost a 10% increase.  And now, Brent Crude oil has reached a high of $139.13 per barrel during the early minutes of trading Monday morning. This is the highest it’s reached since July…

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