Russia Continues to Overspend Funds in Ukraine War

Some believe Russia is winning against Ukraine, but they may be wrong about it. In reality, Russia is exhausting its resources, and they’re overspending. The war with Ukraine is depleting Russia of large sums of money, and they may be unable to keep up the spending. It will be a big blow if Russia continues to ignore its limitations. Yes, Russia is assertive. We’ve seen how they relentlessly attacked Eastern and Southern Ukraine. But they must be careful about how much they’re spending. Otherwise, they could end up in a…

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Putin Warns the US for Punishing Russia

July has been a tough month for Ukraine. Russia continues to launch attacks, causing damage and destruction. Eastern and Southern Ukraine are doing their best to fight back, but the battle is still far from ending. The international community must step up and help Ukraine in its time of need. Putin may have admitted that he made NATO stronger, but he’s not stopping from attacking. He wants to weaken the alliance so Russia can exert its influence over Ukraine. Due to Russia’s ongoing attacks, more casualties are happening in Ukraine.…

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Russia Starts Attacking Southern Ukraine

Anti-terrorist operation in eastern Ukraine (War Ukraine) / Ministry of Defense of Ukraine / Flickr / September 12, 2015 / CC BY-SA 2.0 The war between Russia and Ukraine continues to add more casualties to both sides. We’ve seen how the death toll rises in Ukraine and how Russia exhausts its resources. Now, Ukraine is preparing for a renewed Russian offensive in the south. Russian troops continue to unleash their assault on the southern part of Ukraine. Local authorities are ramping up their measures to fortify the region against further…

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Commanders Removed After Russia’s Embarrassing War Failures

The war between Russia and Ukraine goes on… Yes, Russia may be on the offensive most of the time. But if you think Ukraine is the only one having a tough time, then think again. Russia is suffering as much as Ukraine in this war.  We may have seen the casualties increase in Ukraine. Death tolls rise every day. Most residents flee from their homes… while others stay put to fight against the Russian army.  On the other hand, Russia continues to exhaust its resources. We’ve seen them suffer multiple…

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Biden Continues to Fail Ukraine

Despite the war between Russia and Ukraine, our country remains to be powerless… and unable to help our allied country. One big reason is that Joe Biden is the person leading our country. So far, we’ve seen: America became energy-dependent, and gas prices went up Biden blamed Putin for the inflation he caused Biden returned the nuclear deal in Iran that Obama started President Trump reacted to Biden’s leadership during the crisis The administration lead America to a food shortage Biden prioritized politicizing the health industry over other urgent matters…

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