Big Pharma Use Omicron as Excuse to Force Another Dose

The Biden Administration has trampled on our human rights time and time again with their vaccine mandates. Even the US Senate was triggered to pass a bill to stop Biden’s vaccine mandates last December. 

We’ve seen how the liberals:

The Omicron variant has made it easier for the Biden administration to take advantage of Americans and expand their pesky science experiments…

Studies so far have shown that the first two doses and the current booster dose may not effectively battle the new variant. 

Now, the dems want to inject a fourth dose into everyone…

Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel said that the fourth Covid vaccine shot would be necessary because of the declining efficacy of booster shots.

He mentioned on CNBC that we could expect the fourth dose this fall.

Bancel said, “I will be surprised when we get that data in the coming weeks that it’s holding nicely over time — I would expect that it’s not going to hold great. I still believe we’re going to need boosters in the fall of ’22 and forward.”

Bancel also added subtle pressure as he said that South Korea and the United Kingdom had already begun ordering the fourth round of shots. He wants us to accept that the virus will always be there… and we need to adapt using ‘their science.’ 

Bancel added, “We have been saying that we believe first this virus is not going away. We’re going to have to live with it.”

He even used the unpredictability of the virus to rationalize his attempt at a money grab. The Moderna CEO mentioned that a random mutation could change the course of the pandemic again.

“What is impossible to predict is there is a new mutation coming in a day, a week, three months that is worse in terms of severity of the disease. That’s a piece that we’ll have just to be cautious about,” Bancel said.

By being “cautious,” he probably meant taking as many boosters as the government requires. They’re just taking advantage of the situation to inject more chemicals into our bodies…

Even Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said America might need a fourth Covid-19 shot sooner than expected. He shared his thoughts during an interview with Squawk Box.

Bourla said, “When we see real-world data, we will determine if the Omicron is well covered by the third dose and for how long. And the second point, I think we will need a fourth dose.”

Then he added,” With Omicron, we need to wait and see because we have very little information. We may need it faster.”

It won’t be surprising anymore if we’ll be seeing people with five Covid shots start blaming people with only four doses…

The booster is supposed to end the need for more shots, not the other way around! At this point, we’re just helping Biden create the illusion of progress in the complete absence of actual progress.

Until we get a vaccine that prevents infection and transmission… All we are doing with this never-ending series of boosters is lining the pockets of big pharma for no reason while helping the twisted dems expand their politically-motivated science experiment.

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One Thought to “Big Pharma Use Omicron as Excuse to Force Another Dose”

  1. RC

    Personally, I’m beginning to wonder what’s in those shots they call vaccinations. There are reports of all kinds of nasty side effects. We’re having virus after virus forced on us. We first were told to get A shot. Then it was two. Then two shots and a booster. Now, it’s three or four shots and God only knows how many booster shots are being forced on us. Could this, along with the mask mandates be just another step in controlling our lives? YOUR DAMN RIGHT IT COULD!

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