EU Union & 40 Countries Call on Russia to Surrender Ukraine Nuclear Plant

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine revolves around Zaporizhzhia… where the biggest nuclear plant in Europe is located. Ukrainian authorities believe that Russia is weaponizing the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant. They say Russia has turned it into a de facto military base. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director-General Rafael Grossi thinks the nuclear plant has gotten “completely out of control” since Russia seized the facility in March.  The director emphasized that whoever uses the nuclear plant should respect its limitations. He said, “Every principle of nuclear safety has been violated [in…

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FBI’s Raid on Trump’s Home in Mar-a-Lago Only Strengthened Patriots’ Support

Donald Trump’s possible presidential run in 2024 is a threat to liberals. They are scared of what he might do if he is elected again. Trump is a competent president, and the dems fear getting exposed if he is given another four years in office. Although there’s no official announcement yet… Republicans are happy at the possibility of Trump becoming POTUS again.  However, the dems can’t stand the thought of him being in office again. That’s why they played dirty by raiding Trump’s home in Mar-a-Lago… which surprisingly became favorable…

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More US Politicians Visit Taiwan After Pelosi’s Trip

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has made a big mistake. Her visit to Taiwan could ruin our relationship with China – and we can’t afford for that to happen. This isn’t just about politics. Our economic future is at stake. And Nancy Pelosi is playing games with it. New York Times editorial Thomas Friedman even warned Pelosi not to go to Taiwan… because it could ruin our relationship with China. Rep. Waltz Slammed Administration and Pelosi for Taiwan Trip Everything the administration does with China becomes a huge mess. This is…

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DeSantis Suspends State Attorney for Vowing Not to Prosecute Abortions

Governor Ron DeSantis continues to make Florida great. He is a strong conservative leader constantly working to improve the state. We are truly fortunate to have him as a leader because he is someone who always puts the needs of Floridians first.   DeSantis is an excellent example of how conservatives can be successful. Thanks to his leadership, Florida is on the right track! So far, we’ve seen how he: Exposed Disney’s wokeness and went head-on against them Challenged the dem’s mask mandates Made efforts to fix the immigration problem that…

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Mayorkas Continues to Make the Border Worse

The border crisis is far from over. Under the current administration, migrant crossings are on the rise. Conditions at the border are deteriorating. This administration has failed to address the root causes of the crisis… and they seem content to allow it to continue. The liberals have undone everything that President Trump has done for the border. Alejandro Mayorkas is one of the biggest reasons why our borders are never secure. He’s been in charge as the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security for more than a year… and…

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