President Trump Endorses Dr. Oz for US Senate in Pennsylvania

The twisted dems continue their power play in the health industry, especially with their forceful vaccine and mask mandates. So far, we’ve seen:

All this hypocrisy triggered patriot leaders like Rep. Chip Roy, Sen. Rand Paul, and Rep, Fred Keller to speak out about the dems’ incompetence. This time our forces are only growing stronger…

Biden Wants Dr. Oz to Resign

Our patriots gained another ally on their side. Dr. Mehemet Oz of the President’s Council on Sports, Fitness, and Nutrition (PCFSN) is currently running for the US Senate in Pennsylvania.

Unfortunately, Biden already sees him as a threat because the demo-rat asked him to resign… or he will face termination from his position on the PCFSN.

Dr. Oz shared his thoughts and he believes that Biden shouldn’t be politicizing the health industry. The doctor said, “The president is requesting that I resign from the President’s Council on Sports, Fitness, & Nutrition. It’s beyond sad that Joe Biden would politicize such an important issue like health.”

Then he opened that if there’s someone to be forced to resign in the health industry, it’s Dr. Anthony Fauci. He added, “Let me offer a suggestion. The doctor who should be asked to resign is Dr. Anthony Fauci for a multitude of obvious reasons.”

The doctor clarified that he has no intention of resigning. Dr. Oz said, “I have no intention of resigning. None. If President Biden wants to politicize health, then he’ll have to fire me.”

Dr. Oz boldly mentioned that Biden is wasting his time politicizing the health industry… when there are other issues to prioritize more. He said, “Let Americans see how truly petty and political he truly is. I would think record-high energy prices, a 40-year high with inflation, and the tragedy with Ukraine will be a more important priority.”

President Trump Endorses Dr. Oz

America’s true president is also aware of what Dr. Mehemet Oz can do if he wins the US Senate in Pennsylvania. This April, Trump decided to endorse the medical practitioner. 

Our president wrote in a statement, “The Great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has a tremendous opportunity to Save America by electing the brilliant and well-known Dr. Mehmet Oz for the United States Senate.”

Trump also assured that Dr. Oz can provide more results and remain clean in his work… unlike other liberal-minded doctors out there. Then he added, “I have known Dr. Oz for many years, as have many others, even if only through his very successful television show. He has lived with us through the screen and has always been popular, respected, and smart.”

If Biden is willing to go that far to force Dr. Oz to resign from his post in PCFSN… then that means the conservative medical practioner can save America’s health industry in the long run. Dr. Oz will be able to undo most of Dr. Fauci’s failures and remove the corruption in the system.

No wonder President Trump gives his full support. Let’s all help Dr. Oz to win the US Senate in Pennsylvania.

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