Fauci Hopes FDA Will Authorize Pfizer’s COVID Vaccine for Kids Under 5

The twisted liberals continue to trample on our human rights. 

With the pandemic endless cycle of new variants and quarantine, they keep using their forceful vaccine and booster mandates to stay in control.

Last year, they required several universities to get college students vaccinated, or else they couldn’t return to campus. 

Then they started vaccinating children ages 5-11. These liberals are using the situation as an opportunity to increase the scope of their experiment.

Now the FDA wants to authorize the Pfizer vaccine to be approved for children under the age of 5. It’s expected to be implemented around the first quarter of 2022.

At a press conference, Pfizer’s head of vaccine research, Kathrin Jansen shared her thoughts. She said that the vaccine for this age group might be a series of three doses.

Jansen said, “Therefore, we have decided to modify each of the pediatric studies to incorporate a third dose to the series and seek licensure for a three-dose series rather than a two-dose series as originally anticipated.”

Dr. Anthony Fauci supports this movement since he’s a hypocrite and he’s working with the dems… 

During an interview in Blue Star Families, Fauci said that he expects the FDA to extend the vaccine authorization in a short time. He said, “I hope very soon. You never want to outguess or get ahead of the FDA. 

Then used his authority to assure the people that the vaccine would work well for children. Fauci added, “But the studies that were done showed that the dose that was used in kids 6 months to 24 months… was the correct dose [showing no inferiority] to the response in adults.” 

Fauci continued, “They’re determining now that the children within that age group, it is likely that it will be a three-dose vaccine.”

Lastly, he claimed that he believes the vaccine should be available for children below five sometime during the first quarter of 2022. 

He said, “I hope that it’s going to be within the next month or so. And not much later than that. But I can’t guarantee that because I can’t outguess the FDA. I’m going to have to leave that to them.”

Our patriots will never be fooled by Fauci again after Republican Senator Rand Paul exposed the hypocrite‘s schemes:

  • He knew about China’s plan with the virus right from the start
  • He funded China’s risky research in Wuhan Institute of Virology
  • He allowed American scientists to create more infectious versions of the virus to study them
  • He used his authority to attack other scientists who opposed him

Once again, Fauci tries to fake his concern for the people as a medical expert. But what the media won’t tell you is that he only cares about dem’s pesky science experiment… and now they’re involving children!

What they’re doing right now is child abuse; They’re putting more lives in danger…

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