Patriot Leaders Not Impressed With Biden Leading America to Food Shortage

Herschel Walker visit with USAFA Class of 2016 Basic Cadet Training [Image 4 of 17] / DVIDSHUB / Flickr / July 19, 2012 / CC BY 2.0

More than a month has passed since Russia invaded Ukraine. Soldiers were killed, refugees continued to flee, and infrastructures were destroyed.

We’ve also seen how it affected the US economically as gas prices went up. The inflation that the dems created has only continued to worsen. 

Biden even blamed President Vladimir Putin for the soaring inflation that he caused. He did the same thing when he accused the meat industry and the supply chain of the inflation last year.

Now, Biden warns America that food shortages are ‘going to be real’ across the globe… because of Putin’s invasion of Ukraine

He said during a press conference, “We did talk about food shortages, and it’s going to be real. The price of the sanctions is not just imposed upon Russia. It’s imposed upon a lot of countries as well, including European countries in our country as well.”

Then Biden made a promise that they were doing everything to counter the food shortage. He added. “In addition to [food shortages], we talked about urging all the European countries and everyone else to end trade restrictions on sending food abroad. So we are in the process of working out with our European friends, what it would take to help alleviate the concerns relative to food shortage.”

But let’s not forget that the inflation happening right now is mostly Biden’s fault… and the war made everything more difficult to manage. The administration kept wasting funds for pointless activities such as:

Some of our patriot leaders are disappointed with Biden’s incompetence as a leader…

Republican US State candidate Herschel Walker shared his disbelief with the current administration. He said on Fox, “Right now, gas prices are going out of the roof. You see there’s no food on the shelf. I think people need to know that, and they’re blaming everyone else except themselves.”

Then Walker mentioned that it’s also the dems’ fault for putting away our country’s energy independence. He added, “One of the first things they did is they decided they are going to give up our energy. By him [Biden] going out and giving up our energy, now we’re not energy independent anymore.”

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has also criticized Biden’s reckless spending…  and for blaming Putin for the inflation. He said, “Democrats’ reckless spending that’s fueled across-the-board inflation have made Americans’ pain at the pump even worse. But in the last few days, the Biden administration has tried to invent some laugh-out-loud— revisionist history.”

The dems have ruined America while people stand by and watch. If Americans don’t rise up and say enough is enough, there never will be relief from what we are going through now. The liberals can’t be allowed to lead America.

When Trump was president, gas and consumer prices were cheaper. Now, we wake up every morning with dread… wondering what terrible thing the Biden administration will bring today.

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