South Dakota, Iowa, and Georgia Governors Signed Bill Removing Firearm Permits

Gov. Kemp Keynote Address / Georgia National Guard / Flickr / May 21, 2020 / CC BY 2.0

The dems are always doing everything they can to strip us away from our freedom to protect ourselves with our firearms. But more importantly, the twisted administration wants to destroy the Republican culture… by removing guns as a part of our tradition and identity.

Despite the liberals’ opposition, our patriot leaders are doing good so far in preserving our second amendment rights. We’ve seen:

Now, more of our patriot leaders are removing the permit requirement to carry a concealed gun in their respective states…

South Dakota Gov. Signed Bill Repealing Concealed Carry Fees

Before the end of March, Gov. Kristi Noem signed a bill that repeals all of the state’s fees for concealed carry permits for firearms in South Dakota. We remember Noem as one of the most proactive patriots who: 

Noem shared her thoughts in an interview. She’s been vocal with her advocacy of taking care of her people’s rights. The governor said, “Three years ago, I took a bold stand by signing constitutional carry into law to ensure there were no barriers between South Dakotans and their rights.”

Then Noem said that she’s making sure that the government isn’t profiting from South Dakotans. She added,“ I took the step to remove a financial barrier. It shouldn’t cost you a penny to exercise your Second Amendment rights. Government exists to protect our rights, not profit from them.”

Iowa Gov. Signs Constitutional Carry Bill

This April, Gov. Kim Reynolds also signed a law that loosens regulations on gun ownership. It eliminates the need for a permit to buy or carry handguns in Iowa.

The new law will take effect this July 1st. Gov. Reynolds said, “Today I signed legislation protecting the Second Amendment rights of Iowa’s law-abiding citizens while still preventing the sale of firearms to criminals and other dangerous individuals.”

Then she added, “A person could be able to purchase a firearm from a private seller with no background check and then carry that firearm anywhere in public without any type of firearms proficiency training if this bill is adopted.”

Georgia Becomes the 25th State With Constitutional Carry Law

Gov. Brian Kemp also decided to sign a bill into law later this April that removes the license for gun owners in Georgia to carry their firearms in public.

Kemp formalized the bill as he announced the effectiveness of the new law. He said, “SB 319 makes sure that law-abiding Georgians — law-abiding Georgians, including our daughters and your family too — can protect themselves without having the permission of the state government. The Constitution of the United States gives us that right, not the government. HB 218 ensures that individuals who are licensed to carry in another state are also authorized to do so here in Georgia.”

He’s also certain that what he’s done will save more people’s lives in Georgia. Kemp added, “This isn’t a bill that’s going to create more crime. This is allowing law-abiding citizens to carry a weapon without a license in Georgia.”

It’s really great to know that our Republican governors in South Dakota, Iowa, and Georgia are working for a common goal. They all realized that it’s our Constitutional right to carry a firearm for self-defense.

Now, as responsible citizens, we must prove they are right by educating ourselves on the law and safely practicing our firearms. We are thankful for our patriot leaders who are preserving our conservative traditions.

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